From Ummi:
I was thinking also for the people who are not able to find anyone to
hire them without experience isn't it better to maybe just try to apply
for another position in the department? I am still in school but I hear
so many stories of bitter graduates who cannot find work. I don't want
that to be me so I was thinking I would try to get my foot in the door
some other way.
Hello Ummi,
I've always advised everyone that if you don't get the position you originally applied for then apply for any position in the department. It's best to get your foot in the door than just get stuck on obtaining one position. In my experience I've also noticed that a lot of places hire from within because it's known that someone just finished school or this person is about to graduate soon.
Once you have your foot in the door, do a good job and always make it known, subtly, that you're interested in other areas of the department as well.
For example, when I was working at a large hospital as a coder my supervisor knew that I was in the school for Health Informatics and that I enjoyed working with computers & software. When the IT department wanted to create 2 new positions to help with Epic EHR software she suggested me for the position. Always make your presence known and MAKE THEM REMEMBER YOUR NAME!
Thanks for writing in!
Thanks for the advice :)